Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Windows Vista doesn't support Itunes

So i just upgraded to vista. I love it, its fast smooth and aero is pretty cool. My one gripe so far is...itunes isn't supported. Well it is and it isn't. You can play music. But for some reason i can't authorize my computer to play all my purchased stuff. I sent apple an email explaining my situation. I told them everytime i clicked a purchased song to play it would ask me to authorize it. So I would put in my password. It would say authorize succesful. Then i'd click to play, and it would just ask me to authorize it again. There response

"Dear Nick,I understand you are having some trouble authorizing your computer to play your purchases after you installed Windows Vista.Unfortunately, the iTunes application does not currently support Windows Vista. To use iTunes, your PC must meet the Windows system requirements listed on the iTunes download page: hopes to have a Vista-compatible version of iTunes available soon, and will update the iTunes download page when it does.The sales and service policies for the iTunes Store are available here:, KeviniTunes Store Customer Support"

So vista is cool, as long as you don't mind loosing all your purchased music, tv shows, and movies...


Anonymous said...

To get it to work [go] into the iTunes folder in Program Files and the right click on iTunes and Run as Administrator. Then go in an Authorize. It Worked . ...�

Jessta said...

You'd think Apple would have developers that knew about user permissions.
Very bad Apple.

sgg said...

'nah dont bash apple that bad, microsoft cant even figure out permissions. and its their software...'

Yet another Apple fanboy...

mojoriesen said...

Seriously people. I'm no Apple fan, but how do you expect every software to be Vista compatible the day it is released? Even with Beta testing you have to know that there are sometimes critical changes between "release" and "beta" which will require third party software changes. I don't know anything that is 100% Vista compatible as of yesterday, including Microsoft products. If you want to be on the frontier edge of software you have to expect a bumpy ride. Do like I do and wait for SP1 before jumping on the bandwagon.

Unknown said...

BS, I have been running iTunes7 on both Vista 32bit and 64Bit for over a month(technet subscript) with no problem.

So has my mom, borhter, few guys @ work....

Sounds just liewk the Vista USERS have no idea what they are doing NOT the OS.

Joel Ivory Johnson said...

This same thing was requires on the Vista Betas and on the Release Canidate. This is not a new restriction that was discovered a few days ago.

I'm surprised Apple hasn't posted a message telling users to do this (Then again, perhaps not. I can think of nefarious motivations for such "incompatibility").

Cornville Country Crafts said...

Okay call me stupid but I tried to download iTunes on my new vista software/Gateway laptop. It destroyed the CD driver, I called Gateway, after being on hold for 30 minutes (toll call #) they told me to return the computer to the store I bought it from because it is new enough to return. I then called Microsoft support, they wanted 59 dollars to fix the problem. I will return it but it certainly left me with bad feelings, don't be stupid like I was

NateDog said...

ok - you've got vista, and you setup yourself as an admin but kept getting prompted when deleting installing, running applications\files etc.

Now, goto, Start\Run\msconfig
Click the tab Tools and scroll down to "Disable UAC" (User Account Control). Hey Hey Hey! no more silly requests - ok so security is down a notch, but what hacker wouldn't know how to turn that off in the reg (not posting that here, but its easy to find).

Then Goto Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Services and set the Security Center to Manual - coz it will pop up every damn minute and warn you that UAC is turned off!

Oh yer and itunes? - maaaan! its built by apple, mircosoft's rival, of course the dont care about PC users! wait for the apple MAc based Os that will run on a pc - hmmm i wonder.....

if you really want it to work - just search in google or whatever for "itunes windows vista" and hey presto more answers than i can be bothered to copy\paste and waste space here.

that is not dead which can eternal lie, but with strange eaons, even death may die. hp lovecraft